How to Brew Tea? | SilverAnt Outdoors

how to brew tea


Recently, we have delved into a bunch of captivating and informative topics surrounding the world of tea.

From exploring the numerous health benefits associated with tea consumption to discovering the essential teaware required for the optimal tea-drinking experience, we have covered a wide spectrum of tea-related topics.

However, amidst our engaging conversations, one crucial aspect has remained unexplored: the intricate art of brewing and, more importantly, how to brew tea.

As an ardent tea lover myself, I find it impossible to resist the urge to share my personal expertise and experiences in the realm of tea brewing.

Therefore, in this blog post, we will delve into the process of brewing tea, starting from preparing the necessary teaware, choosing high-quality tea, all the way to straining and serving the perfectly brewed cup of tea.

So, sit back, relax, and prepare to immerse yourself in a captivating exploration of the fascinating world of tea brewing.

Prepare the Essential Teaware

As you embark on your tea journey, the first step is to gather the essential teaware that will elevate your tea-drinking experience.

Whether it's a tea kettle, a teapot, a teacup, or a teaspoon, having the right teaware is essential for fully savoring the flavors and aromas of your tea.

As a novice in the world of tea, considering three key factors—material, shape, and size—will guide you in selecting the perfect teaware for your brewing adventures.


The material of your teaware is a crucial factor to consider when seeking the optimal tea experience.

When selecting teaware, prioritize materials that do not absorb or alter flavors, as this guarantees a pure and unadulterated tea taste.

Opt for teaware made of materials like porcelain, clay, glass, or titanium, as they are known for maintaining the integrity of the tea's flavors.

However, if you also value durability and easy maintenance for prolonged enjoyment, select teaware made of titanium.

This material offers exceptional durability and effortless cleaning, ensuring your teaware lasts for a long time while providing a superior tea-drinking experience.


Teapots and tea cups come in a variety of shapes, each influencing the brewing process and the sensory experience of tea.

Look for teapots with a wider base and a shorter spout, as this design promotes even steeping of the tea leaves.

The ample space within the teapot allows the leaves to unfurl and release their full flavor, while the even distribution of heat helps prevent overstepping or scorching.

On the other hand, tea cups with wider mouths than bottoms enhance the tea's aroma and flavor.

This shape allows the enticing aroma to escape and reach your nose more easily, heightening your overall tea-drinking experience.


The size of your teaware should align with the amount of tea you wish to brew.

If you're preparing tea for a group of tea enthusiasts, a larger teapot with a capacity of around 400 ml (14 fl oz) is ideal, as it allows for multiple servings.

Conversely, for a solitary tea session, a smaller teapot with a capacity of around 300 ml (12.3 fl oz) is more suitable for a single serving.

However, when it comes to tea cups, smaller sizes are the perfect choice to fully appreciate the intricacies of flavor and the captivating aromas of the tea.

Traditional Chinese tea cups, for example, typically hold around 50 ml (1.75 fl oz) of tea.

Their petite size encourages a slower and more mindful tea-drinking experience, enabling you to savor each sip and indulge in the tea's delightful nuances.

To explore the world of teaware in more detail, we invite you to read our blog post, "The Essential Teaware You Need to Drink Tea."

This comprehensive guide will provide you with further insights into selecting the essential teaware that will enrich your tea rituals and elevate your tea-drinking journey.

how to select the perfect teaware

Choose the High-Quality Tea You Prefer

The next step on your tea journey is selecting high-quality tea that suits your preferences and elevates your tea-drinking experience.

With a wide variety of tea types available, ranging from robust and full-bodied black tea to delicate and refreshing green tea, there is an extensive range of flavors to explore.

To ensure you find the perfect tea that resonates with your taste buds, consider the following factors:

Source from Reputable Suppliers

Begin by sourcing your tea from reputable suppliers known for their commitment to providing high-quality teas.

Look for well-established tea companies with a strong reputation, such as Harney & Sons in the US and Twinings in the UK.

These suppliers often work directly with tea gardens or estates, ensuring freshness, authenticity, and a superior tea-drinking experience.

Consider the Origin

Another factor to explore is the origin of the tea.

Different tea-growing regions around the world have their own distinct tea-growing traditions and produce teas with unique characteristics.

Explore teas from renowned tea-growing regions like China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan.

Each origin offers a diverse range of flavors, aroma profiles, and brewing styles, allowing you to discover the nuances that appeal to your palate.

For example, the white tea from Yangshuo, China, exhibits a delicate sweetness and captivating floral aroma that tea enthusiasts find irresistible.

The refined and nuanced characteristics of these teas make them highly sought after and appreciated by connoisseurs.

Examine the Appearance

Examining the appearance of the tea leaves is also essential.

High-quality tea typically consists of whole or large leaf pieces, rather than broken or crushed leaves.

Whole leaves retain more flavor and aroma, resulting in a more satisfying and well-rounded cup of tea.

Smell the Aroma

The aroma of the tea leaves is another aspect that connects with the quality of the tea.

A pleasant and inviting fragrance reflects the tea's characteristics and indicates its freshness and quality.

Avoid teas with musty or stale odors, as they may indicate lower quality or improper storage.

Consider Harvest Season

Considering the harvest season is equally important.

Teas harvested during the appropriate season tend to offer superior quality and distinctive flavors.

For example, spring harvest teas are highly prized for their delicate and nuanced flavors.

However, teas harvested during other seasons can also provide unique profiles worth exploring.

Don't limit yourself to a specific harvest time, as each season brings its own charm to the tea leaves.

By taking these factors into consideration and exploring teas from reputable sources and diverse origins, you'll be well on your way to discovering high-quality teas that align with your taste preferences.

The world of tea is vast and exciting, offering endless opportunities to explore new flavors, aromas, and tea-drinking rituals.

Enjoy the journey as you find your perfect cup of tea.

how to choose the high-quality tea

Boil Fresh Water

Once your teaware is arranged and the tea leaves are chosen, it's time to focus on boiling the water—a critical step in the tea brewing process.

When boiling water for tea, there are several aspects to consider to ensure a successful brew:

Freshness of Water

First and foremost, ensure that you start with fresh, cold water from a reliable source.

Avoid using water that has been sitting in the kettle for an extended period or that has been previously boiled.

Fresh water contains more oxygen, which helps release the flavors of the tea.

Water Quality

Water quality also plays a significant role in the taste of your tea.

Opt for filtered or spring water, as they enhance the purity and clarity of the brew.

Tap water with excessive minerals or strong flavors can negatively impact the final taste.

Water Temperature

Different types of tea require specific water temperatures to extract their optimal flavors.

Green Tea

For instance, delicate green teas, known for their subtle flavors, thrive when brewed at lower temperatures ranging from 160-175°F (70-80°C).

This gentle heat helps preserve the tea's delicate nuances and prevents the extraction of bitter compounds.

Black Tea

On the other hand, robust black teas require hotter water temperatures to unlock their boldness and depth.

A temperature range of around 195-205°F (90-95°C) is ideal for fully extracting the rich flavors and stimulating aromas found in black teas.

Oolong Tea

When brewing oolong tea, it is recommended to use water temperatures of 175-195°F (80-90°C).

This allows the partially oxidized leaves to unfurl gradually, resulting in a harmonious infusion that balances various flavor profiles, ranging from floral and fruity to toasty and earthy.

White Tea

For white tea, characterized by its delicate nature, using water heated to about 160-165°F (70-75°C) is optimal.

This lower temperature ensures a gentle extraction process, bringing out the subtle sweetness and floral notes inherent in white teas.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, which encompass a wide variety of botanical infusions, generally benefit from boiling water (100°C or 212°F).

This high-temperature aids in fully extracting the flavors and beneficial compounds from the herbs, flowers, fruits, or spices used in herbal blends.

Pu-erh Tea

Lastly, pu-erh tea, a fermented tea variety, is typically brewed using water temperatures around 205-212°F (95-100°C).

This elevated heat level helps to unravel the full-bodied richness and earthy flavors that pu-erh tea is renowned for.

Optimal Water Temperatures for various teas

By carefully selecting quality fresh water and adjusting the water temperature, you can ensure that each type of tea expresses its distinct flavors, aromas, and characteristics.

Preheat the Teapot

Nevertheless, once the water has reached the appropriate temperature, it is important not to hastily pour it over the tea leaves.

Taking the time to preheat the teapot, usually focusing on the interior, is a step that is frequently disregarded but holds immense significance.

This practice significantly elevates the tea brewing experience, leading to a cup of tea that is imbued with enhanced flavors and brings greater enjoyment.

To Preheat the Teapot, Follow These Steps:

  1. Begin by rinsing the teapot with hot water at the appropriate temperature for the specific type of tea you plan to brew.

    This helps warm up the pot and remove any dust or impurities that may impact the taste of the tea.

  2. Once the teapot is rinsed, slowly discard the hot water, ensuring that the inside of the teapot is thoroughly heated.

  3. Gently dry the teapot with a clean towel, preparing it for the brewing process.

By preheating the teapot, you create an optimal environment for steeping the tea leaves, allowing them to infuse more effectively.

The warmth of the teapot helps to maintain the ideal brewing temperature for an extended period, enhancing the flavors and aromas of the tea.

how to preheat the Teapot

Measure and Add Tea Leaves

Now that the teapot has been preheated, it's time to carefully measure and add the desired amount of tea leaves.

The ideal tea-to-water ratio can vary depending on personal preference and the specific type of tea you're brewing, including the unique case of pu-erh tea.

Here are some general guidelines to help you measure and add the appropriate amount of tea leaves for different types of tea:

Black Tea

For a robust and full-bodied black tea, a common recommendation is to use approximately 1 teaspoon (around 0.07 oz/2 grams) of loose-leaf tea per 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water.

Green Tea

Delicate and subtle in flavor, green tea usually requires a slightly smaller amount of tea leaves.

Start with around 1 teaspoon (around 0.07oz/2 grams) of loose-leaf tea per 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water.

You can experiment with different amounts to find the perfect balance of flavor and strength.

Like me, I enjoy a milder cup of green tea, and my preferred ratio is half a teaspoon (approximately 0.35 ounces or 1 gram) of loose-leaf tea per cup.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea falls between black and green tea in terms of flavor and strength.

It is recommended to use approximately 1-2 teaspoons (around 0.07-0.14oz/2-4 grams) of loose-leaf tea per 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water, depending on the specific oolong tea and your preference for a lighter or stronger infusion.

White Tea

With its delicate and nuanced flavors, white tea typically requires a slightly higher amount of tea leaves.

Start with approximately 2 teaspoons (around 0.14oz/4 grams) of loose-leaf tea per 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas often consist of a variety of botanical ingredients, such as herbs, flowers, fruits, and spices.

The amount of tea leaves needed can vary depending on the specific herbal blend and the intensity of flavors desired.

As a general guideline, use around 1-2 teaspoons (around 0.07-0.14oz/2-4 grams) of loose-leaf tea per 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water.

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea, a fermented tea variety known for its unique characteristics, requires a slightly different approach.

Due to its compressed nature, pu-erh tea is typically measured in terms of tea cakes or bricks.

Depending on the size and density of the pu-erh tea cake, you may need to break off a small piece, usually around 0.17–0.25 oz (5-7 grams), for a standard 8-ounce (237 ml) cup of water.

Remember that these are general recommendations, and you can always adjust the amount of tea leaves based on your personal taste preferences.

ideal tea-to-water ratio

Pour Water over Tea Leaves

Once you have measured and added the desired amount of tea leaves to your teapot or cup, the next step is to pour water over the tea leaves, initiating the steeping process.

How to Pour Water

When pouring water over the tea leaves, the best choice is to move in a circular motion from the inside towards the outside in a clockwise direction.

Very much like a coffee pour-over.

By starting from the center and gradually moving outward in a clockwise manner, you ensure that all the tea leaves come into contact with the water evenly.

This gentle swirling motion helps in the proper infusion of flavors and allows for a consistent extraction from the tea leaves.

As you pour the water in a circular motion, the outward movement helps to create a vortex-like effect, encouraging the tea leaves to open up and release their flavors more effectively.

This method enhances the overall infusion process and ensures that the tea brews evenly.

Remember to pour the water slowly and steadily to prevent splashing or overflow.

By maintaining a controlled and steady pour, you can achieve a balanced and thorough infusion of the tea leaves.

As you pour the water, make sure that all the tea leaves are fully submerged.

This ensures that every leaf has an equal opportunity to release its flavors and contribute to the overall taste of the brew.

Steeping Duration

The steeping duration will vary depending on the type of tea you are brewing and the desired strength.

For delicate green teas, oolong teas, and white teas, a recommended steeping time of 1-3 minutes is ideal to develop their subtle flavors without bitterness.

Black teas, on the other hand, benefit from a slightly longer steeping time of 3-5 minutes to unlock their bold and rich characteristics.

Herbal teas, with their diverse botanical blends, may vary in steeping times. Generally, steeping them for 5-7 minutes allows for a complete infusion of flavors and beneficial compounds.

When brewing pu-erh tea, it is beneficial to extend the steeping time to 3-5 minutes or more to fully extract its distinctive earthy flavors.

Remember to refer to the recommended steeping durations provided for each specific tea type, which can be found on the tea packaging or obtained from reliable sources.

During the steeping process, the tea leaves release their flavors, aromas, and beneficial compounds into the water, creating a delightful infusion.

Patience is key at this stage, ensuring the full extraction of the tea's characteristics.

best steeping times for various teas

By following these guidelines and paying attention to pouring water over the tea leaves, you can achieve a well-balanced and satisfying tea steeping experience.

Strain and Serve

Once the recommended steeping time has passed, it's time to strain the tea or remove the tea infuser from the teapot or cup.

This step ensures that the tea doesn't become overly concentrated or acquire an undesirable bitter taste.

Additionally, to prevent any tea debris from escaping into your cup, using a teapot with a built-in filter or utilizing a tea infuser paired with your cup is the ultimate choice.

When serving tea, it's advisable not to fill the cup to the brim. Leaving around 1/4 of the cup empty allows for a more enjoyable drinking experience.

Moreover, for added convenience and to protect your fingers from heat, a double-wall cup is an excellent choice.

A great example of this is our Titanium Double-Wall Tea Cup, which has a capacity of 80ml/2.7fl oz.

Its wider mouth compared to the bottom allows the tea to reach a drinkable temperature more quickly.

By following these practices, you can strain your tea effectively and enjoy it comfortably.

optimal way to strain and serve

Experiment and Enjoy

Experimenting and exploring the world of tea is part of the joy and excitement of being a tea enthusiast.

Don't hesitate to embark on a journey of taste discovery by trying different steeping times, water temperatures, and tea varieties.

Vary the Steeping Time

Varying the steeping time allows you to adjust the strength and intensity of the tea.

You may find that a longer steeping time enhances the boldness of certain teas, while a shorter steeping time brings out the delicate nuances of others.

Play with Water Temperatures

Similarly, playing with water temperatures can significantly influence the flavors and aromas of brewed tea.

Some teas thrive at lower temperatures, while others unfold their full potential at higher temperatures.

Exploring the spectrum of water temperatures will allow you to uncover the unique characteristics of each tea type.

Try Different Types of Tea

Furthermore, don't limit yourself to a single type of tea.

Expand your horizons and embrace the diversity of tea varieties available. From green teas with their grassy and refreshing notes to black teas with their rich and robust profiles, each tea has its own story to tell.

Embrace the adventure of trying different teas and allow your taste buds to experience a range of flavors, fragrances, and textures.

Remember, the journey of tea appreciation is subjective and personal.

What delights one person's taste buds may not be the same for another.

Discovering your preferences and finding the combinations that please your palate is all part of the enjoyment.

So, embark on this delightful exploration, savor each cup of tea, and let your senses guide you to your own unique tea experience.

experiment the world of tea


In conclusion, brewing tea is an art that demands attention to detail and a genuine appreciation for the beverage.

From selecting the right teaware to choosing high-quality tea leaves, understanding water temperature, tea-to-water ratio, and steeping duration, every aspect contributes to the final result.

By embracing these considerations, you can unlock the full spectrum of flavors, aromas, and characteristics inherent in each tea variety.

However, don't be afraid to personalize your brewing experience through experimentation.

Adjusting measurements, temperatures, and steeping times allows you to create a cup of tea tailored to your preferences, bringing joy and satisfaction with every sip.

Whether you prefer the soothing embrace of fragrant green tea, the boldness of black tea, the nuanced profiles of oolong and white teas, or the unique character of herbal and pu-erh teas, the world of tea offers an exciting journey for every tea enthusiast.

So, armed with confidence, curiosity, and a teapot in hand, explore the enchanting realm of tea brewing within the comfort of your own home.

If you need guidance in selecting teaware, don't hesitate to explore our tea collection, where you can find a range of options to enhance your brewing experience.

For any further questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

To your next adventure!


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