Using the stakes
There is no question that these stakes hold in the earth very well. Here are my thoughts after use in the real world: The top of the stake, when trying to push down with the bare is too sharp, and thus, you have to try to get them started with your hand and then use your foot to push them in or a hammer of some sort; the stakes are so sharp on the top that I worry about cutting the bottom of my hiking boots. The stakes cannot be pushed in with the bare hand! The non-smooth (notches) three sides of the stakes going down the stakes look nice, however, I had to be careful that they did not catch on the tarp tie-out straps and drive the strap into the ground (I also worried if it would cut my straps. Recommendation: save time in making by not cutting the notches down the three sides, and do something with the top of the stake so it is not sharp, and one can push the stake in with the hand. Also, the bungie yellow cord on the stake "seems" to be not strong enough to use pulling the stakes out of the earth (it stretches out to the limits and I feared breaking the cord, and I stopped pulling them this way). I bought two sets of six in each included bag, thinking to replace my other stakes with these...I went back to my other stakes after one trip of using these. Every other of the many Silverant products I bought are of the top quality and function perfectly for me. I highly recommend Silverant products to my family and friends, I just will not promote the stakes. This email is meant to help other outdoors people, but it is also meant to help Silverant consider changes to this product (the stakes).