How to Season Your Titanium Cookware

How to Season Your Titanium Cookware - SilverAnt Outdoors

Recently, we connected with Chris Sgaraglino, founder of Outdoor Life US, who showed great interest in our titanium gear, including cookware, bottles, cups, and cutlery.

Chris recently shared a post about seasoning titanium backpacking cookware that caught my eye.

As someone who enjoys outdoor adventures and relies on dehydrated food, I usually use our gear for boiling rather than frying, so sticking hasn't been a big issue for me.

After reading Chris's post, I realized how important it is to season your titanium camping cookware, especially after a long hike by rivers or lakes when you crave some fried food to shake off the fatigue.

So, let's dive into everything you need to know about seasoning them: why it's important, how to do it, and maintenance tips.

Excited to enhance your gear? Let’s hit the trail!

Why Season Titanium Cookware Set

As everyone knows, titanium pots and pans are loved for being lightweight and durable, making them perfect for outdoor adventures.

However, when it comes to heat conductivity, titanium isn't as efficient as aluminum.

This means it doesn't spread heat as evenly or quickly across the cooking surface compared to aluminum cookware.

For outdoor beginners, this can affect how you cook. Boiling water for dehydrated meals is straightforward, but cooking on a titanium frying pan requires more skill.

For instance, when frying an egg, I've learned to use a lower flame, add more oil, and flip it frequently to prevent sticking.

You might wonder why not just use non-stick coatings. While they work initially, they can wear off over time and may not be the healthiest option.

As a brand committed to creating durable outdoor gear for a lifetime of use, using non-stick coatings doesn't align with our values.

That's why seasoning your titanium backpacking cookware is crucial, just like you would with a cast iron skillet.

Seasoning helps fill microscopic pores in the titanium surface, creating a smoother cooking surface. It also helps the heat distribute more evenly, reducing the risk of burnt spots.

Plus, a well-seasoned titanium pan or pot is easier to clean, needing less scrubbing and extending the lifespan of your cookware.

Why Season Titanium Cookware Set - SilverAnt Outdoors

How to Season Titanium Cooking Gear

Now, let's talk about how to season your portable camp kitchen.

Clean Thoroughly & Dry Completely

Before seasoning, wash your cookware with warm water and mild detergent to remove any residues from manufacturing or transportation.

Then, dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth or paper towel. Any moisture left on the surface can interfere with the seasoning process.

Water in the pores will prevent the oil from setting in properly and can cause uneven seasoning.

Apply Cooking Oil

Next, it's time to apply oil.

When doing so, make sure to use a high-smoke-point oil such as avocado oil, canola oil, or corn oil.

Avoid oils with low smoke points like pumpkin seed oil and walnut oil, as they can burn and leave a sticky residue.

Then, apply a thin, even layer of oil to the inside surfaces of the cookware using a soft cloth or paper towel.

Make sure every part inside the cookware gets coated evenly. This ensures a smooth and durable seasoning layer.

Heat Gently

When it comes to heating, Chris found that his backyard firepit was more effective and produced better results than his camp stove.

He filled his firepit with firewood and got a blazing fire started.

Once the fire burned down to a bed of hot coals, he placed all the cookware into the fire and let it burn for about an hour.

Cool and Repeat

And when his alarm went off, he took out his cookware and let them cool completely.

After that, he applied oil again and heated it up (repeated steps 2 and 3) twice for a thorough seasoning.

Once it was done, he had well-seasoned cookware that was non-stick and ensured even heat distribution.

Clean Up

Lastly, don’t forget to clean your seasoned cooking gear.

Simply place it back into the fire for about ten minutes, let it cool down, rinse it with plain water (no soap), apply a small amount of oil again, and wipe it until it feels dry to the touch.

The whole process really requires patience and care. But when you cook the perfect fried egg or fish on it, you'll know it's totally worth it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

However, if your seasoning doesn't quite hit the mark, it's likely due to these common slip-ups below.

Be sure to pay close attention to avoid these pitfalls:

Don't Skip Prep Steps: Cleaning and drying your cookware thoroughly before seasoning ensures the oil sticks well.

Use the Right Oil: Opt for oils with high smoke points to prevent burning and sticking, as mentioned earlier.

Avoid Overheating: Heating your cookware too quickly or at high temperatures can damage the seasoning. Chris demonstrated this well in the example above.

And if your cookware ends up turning blue after seasoning, don't fret—it actually enhances its durability.

The seasoning process is similar to anodizing our titanium tent stakes. The blue color will not fade while maintaining its high quality.

To dive deeper into titanium gear technology, visit our blog: Exploring the Advancements in Titanium Gear Technology.

How to Season Titanium Cooking Gear - SilverAnt Outdoors

Tips for Maintenance

However, please note that seasoning isn’t a one-time job—you need to maintain it, just like everything else we own.

Firstly, store your seasoned cooking gear in a dry place to prevent moisture buildup and potential rust, which may occur due to the oil on the surface.

When cooking, avoid using excessive heat as it can wear down the seasoning. Opt for medium to medium-high heat settings instead.

After each use, hand wash your backpacking cookware with mild detergent and a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid abrasive scrubbers or metal utensils that could damage the seasoning.

Lastly, it's important to periodically re-season your cookware to maintain its non-stick properties.

This might be needed every few months or as per your usage frequency.

Now you've got reliable camping cookware for cooking up any dish you crave on the trail!

Tips for Maintenance - SilverAnt Outdoors


In conclusion, seasoning your titanium camp cooking tools is simple but boosts their performance and durability significantly.

By following these steps and tips above, you'll enhance their non-stick qualities and ensure they serve you reliably for years.

Remember, patience and regular maintenance are key to keeping your seasoned cookware in top shape.

With a well-seasoned set, you'll have a lightweight, durable, and dependable cooking companion for all your future adventures.

Have you seasoned your titanium gear? How did you do it and what were the results? Share your experience in the comments below to inspire others and make their adventures even better!

To your next adventure


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